Privacy Policy

Porsche Owners Group Malaysia (POGM) and its subsidiary and related companies respect and are committed to the protection of your personal information and your privacy. This Privacy Notice explains how we collect and handle your personal information in accordance with the Malaysian Personal Data Protection Act 2010 (“PDPA”). By using this website and/or providing your personal information to us, you are consenting to this Privacy Notice.
This Privacy Notice may be reviewed and amended from time to time. The updated version of the Privacy Notice shall apply and supersede any and all previous versions, including but not limited to, leaflets or hard copy versions. Please check our website for information on our most up-to-date notice.

1. Personal information

1.1 Type of personal information
Personal information means any information which relates to you and which was collected or provided to Porsche Owners Group Malaysia (POGM) for the purposes stated in Section 2 below.
Your personal information may include your name, NRIC number, contact details, financial and banking account details, information in audio and/or video format (including voice, video recording, closed-circuit television (“CCTV”) or security recording), images (including photographs), biometric information and location tracking/GPS information.
1.2 Source of personal information
(i) Customer: Porsche Owners Group Malaysia (POGM) collects your personal information directly from you or indirectly from your legal representatives (family members, next of kin), agents (e.g. medical tourism agents) and/or employer when you, your legal representatives, agents and/or employers send us completed enquiry, application and/or registration forms via various means, including online and physical hardcopies at public venues or in our premises. Your personal information may also be collected from cookies through the use of our website.
1.3 Obligatory personal information
All information requested for in the relevant forms is obligatory to be provided by you unless stated otherwise.
Should you fail to provide the obligatory information, we may be unable to provide you with the relevant services or continue our dealings with you.
You are responsible to provide correct and complete information to us and any other person whose personal information you provide us and to update this personal information from time to time when required.

2. Purposes of collecting and further processing (including disclosing) your personal information

Your personal information is collected and further processed by Porsche Owners Group Malaysia (POGM) as required or permitted by law and to give effect to your requested commercial transaction, including the following:
For potential customers;
  • to facilitate your participation in any contests, events or membership programmes;
  • to administer and communicate with you in relation to our services and/or events;
  • to monitor utilization of membership benefits;
  • to respond to inquiries from you;
  • to contact you regarding Porsche Owners Group Malaysia (POGM)’s products, services, upcoming events, promotions, advertising, marketing and commercial materials which we may feel interest you.
For vendors, suppliers or service providers
  • to commence a business relationship with us (for example, as a vendor, service provider or a business partner);
  • to process your credit account application;
  • to assess your creditworthiness;
  • to administer and give effect to your commercial transaction (tender award, contract for service, consignment agreement); and
  • to process any payments relevant to you.
For all individuals
  • to operate our premises in a manner which is physically safe, secure and befitting of health and safety requirements;
  • for internal investigations, audit or security purposes;
  • to comply with Porsche Owners Group Malaysia (POGM)’s legal and regulatory obligations in the conduct of its business;
  • to ensure that the content from our website is presented in the most effective manner for your and for your computer and/or device through passive tracking via cookies and other similar tools; and
  • for Porsche Owners Group Malaysia (POGM)’s internal record management.
Where you have indicated your consent to receiving marketing or promotional updates from Porsche Owners Group Malaysia (POGM), you may opt-out from receiving such marketing or promotional material at any time. You may also contact Porsche Owners Group Malaysia (POGM) at the details provided in Section (6) below. Your latest written instructions to us will prevail.

3. Disclosure and transfer of personal information (within or outside of Malaysia)

3.1 Within Porsche Owners Group Malaysia (POGM)
Your personal information provided to us may be processed by entities (within or outside of Malaysia) within Porsche Owners Group Malaysia (POGM). (including related companies, subsidiaries, holding companies and associated companies), especially when you are an employee of any company within Porsche Owners Group Malaysia (POGM).
Porsche Owners Group Malaysia (POGM) will ensure that:
  • (i) access to your personal information is restricted to staff who are contractually required to process your personal information in accordance with their respective job requirements; and
  • (ii) only necessary information is released to the relevant employees.
3.2 Classes of third parties
Your personal information may be disclosed or transferred to relevant third parties (within or outside of Malaysia) as required under the law, pursuant to relevant contractual relationship (for example, where we appoint third party service providers) or for the purposes stated in Section 2 above (or directly related to those purposes).
In the event of a potential, proposed or actual sale of business, disposal, acquisition, merger or re-organisation (“Transaction”), your personal information may be required to be disclosed or transferred to a third party as a result of the Transaction. You hereby acknowledge that such disclosure and transfer may occur and permit Porsche Owners Group Malaysia (POGM) to release your personal information (only as required) to the other party and its advisers/representatives.

4. Websites

4.1 Links to other sites
Content in Porsche Owners Group Malaysia’s (POGM) website may include links to third party websites. Porsche Owners Group Malaysia (POGM) is not responsible for the content on such linked third party websites and users should observe the separate privacy policies applicable to the respective third parties website.
4.2 Cookies
Porsche Owners Group Malaysia (POGM) may use cookies and similar tools across our websites to improve their performance and enhance your user experience. Cookies are small text files which a website may put on your computer or mobile device when you first visit a site or page. The cookie will help the website, or another website, to recognise your device the next time you visit. Cookies can function to remember your username and preferences or to analyse how Porsche Owners Group Malaysia’s (POGM) website is performing.
Certain cookies contain personal data – for example, if you click to “remember me” when logging in, a cookie will store your username. Most cookies won’t collect information that identifies you, and will instead collect more general information such as how users arrive at and use our websites, or a user’s general location.
Where personal data is collected, such personal data will only be used for its intended purposes only, i.e. to respond to your message or deliver the requested services.

5. Right to access and correct personal information

Right to access and correct personal information:
You have the right to access and correct your personal information held by us (subject always to certain exemptions). We will make every endeavor to ensure your personal information is accurate and up to date therefore we ask that if there are changes to your information you should notify us directly.
If you would like to access or correct your personal information, you may contact Porsche Owners Group Malaysia (POGM) at the details provided in Item 6 below.
For each data access request, prescribed fees may be levied and we may reject such request should the request fall under any exceptions in the PDPA or any other applicable law.

6. Limiting the processing of personal information, further enquiries and complaints

If you wish to limit our use of your personal information, or you have any queries and concerns about the Privacy Notice or complaints in respect of your personal information, you may contact:
Designation: Administrator

7. Conflict

In the event of any conflict between this English language Personal Data Protection Notice and its corresponding Bahasa Malaysia Personal Data Protection Notice, the terms in this English language Notice shall prevail.

8. Payment Method

At Marketplace @ POGM, we provide the following payment methods:
  • FPX Payment – Convenient & secure online payment solution that allows real-time debiting of customer’s internet banking account of multiple banks.
  • Credit cards (Visa, Mastercard) – through the payment system of Payex PLT.